Colour trends
When choosing an image for use with an article or in a design, what assists us in our choices? Is it the current trend for a certain colour of image or is it more dependant on how well an image represents the product or story...
When choosing an image for use with an article or in a design, what assists us in our choices? Is it the current trend for a certain colour of image or is it more dependant on how well an image represents the product or story...
Many of us watch 80s films and think to ourselves – “We really spoke like THAT?” Yes. Yes we did. But that is the beauty of language; one day everyone will be saying words like ‘cool beans’ and the next thing you know the beans will...
An easy way to remember how to use ITS and IT’S Say this out loud three times … ONLY use the apostrophe when using a contraction. ONLY use the apostrophe when using a contraction. ONLY use the apostrophe when using a contraction. A contraction is a shortening of a word...
Whether it's the use of a certain colour, a simple shape or an object, strong brands and their logos are memorable for one reason or another. The whole point of a notable brand is to be remembered and talked about by everyone. I always remember our...
Every fashion magazine, designer and high street shop has a popular colour for the coming season, and whether you decide to follow their lead is up to you. I like to take my guidance from the time of year and even the particular day we...
We’re all used to using words whose meanings we’re not quite sure of. We all do it, probably not too frequently, but we do, and we use them in the confidence that we’ve spelt (or should that be ‘spelled’?) them properly and that our readers...
Whether it's your home town, your family’s team or simply a team you enjoy watching play, you follow your respected football team through thick and thin, sunshine and rain, ups and downs, but have you ever wondered why their kit is the colour it is?...
Everyday here at Market Avenue Limited we like to bring to your attention a Word of the Day #WOTD! A wide vocabulary strengthens your message and helps to form an effective copywriting strategy for marketing activities, materials and campaign call to actions. Here's this weeks selection. Eccentric A person,...
I would definitely agree with that statement. A painting can trigger an emotion, a feeling, a reaction that you may not have known was even there, and it can sometimes only come to the surface when you see the painting 'in the flesh'. Many school trips...
Everyday here at Market Avenue Limited we like to bring to your attention a Word of the Day #WOTD! A wide vocabulary strengthens your message and helps to form an effective copywriting strategy for marketing activities, materials and campaign call to actions. Here's this weeks selection. Dearth A scarcity...
Everyday here at Market Avenue Limited we like to bring to your attention a Word of the Day #WOTD! A wide vocabulary strengthens your message and helps to form an effective copywriting strategy for marketing activities, materials and campaign call to actions. Here's this weeks selection. Contemporaneous Existing or...
Graphics Day – 27th April 2014 That’s right folks – Graphics Day is this Sunday on the 27th April. It first began in 1995 and was established by the International Council of Graphic Design Associations, or ‘Icograda’ for short. It does what it says on the...
Everyday here at Market Avenue Limited we like to bring to your attention a Word of the Day #WOTD! A wide vocabulary strengthens your message and helps to form an effective copywriting strategy for marketing activities, materials and campaign call to actions. Here's this weeks selection. Brigand A robber...
Everyday here at Market Avenue Limited we like to bring to your attention a Word of the Day #WOTD! A wide vocabulary strengthens your message and helps to form an effective copywriting strategy for marketing activities, materials and campaign call to actions. Here's this weeks selection. Alluvium Material deposited...
Everyday here at Market Avenue Limited we like to bring to your attention a Word of the Day #WOTD! A wide vocabulary strengthens your message and helps to form an effective copywriting strategy for marketing activities, materials and campaign call to actions. Here's this weeks selection. Reticent Not revealing...
Everyday here at Market Avenue Limited we like to bring to your attention a Word of the Day #WOTD! A wide vocabulary strengthens your message and helps to form an effective copywriting strategy for marketing activities, materials and campaign call to actions. Here's this weeks selection. Ochre A natural...