
Graphics Day – 27th April 2014 – Why should Graphics matter to you?

Graphics Day – 27th April 2014

Graphics Day – 27th April 2014


That’s right folks – Graphics Day is this Sunday on the 27th April. It first began in 1995 and was established by the International Council of Graphic Design Associations, or ‘Icograda’ for short. It does what it says on the tin really – it is a chance to recognise the role of Graphic Design and Communication in the world today.

But why should that mean anything to me? I hear you cry! Well, in today’s world, it is crucial for businesses to be up-to-date in technology and perception, and graphics play a big part in this. A consistent and professional use of graphics can do wonders for a business, and with social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, the necessity for such graphics has grown. It has become essential for companies all over the world to introduce social media to their marketing plans, and with social media comes the opportunity to share your brand, for free, to the world. It makes your company more accessible, and consequently your graphics more accessible. Graphics are no longer relegated to the printed leaflets and brochures, but now play a key role in building a company’s online presence.

Companies, whether big or small, are often recognised by their logos and this has not changed with the introduction of social media. The obligatory logo and graphics must be consistent across all channels, whether print or virtual, to optimise branding. It is no use investing in something like social media if it does not support all other aspects of your company. Not only does social media present an opportunity to showcase a brand, it has the opportunity to do so more often. Unlike in leaflets or brochures, when the process of production is long-winded and not subject to change due to cost and time reasons, social media involves minimal cost and is undeniably efficient. It takes no time at all to upload a new Facebook header, which means it takes no time at all to inform an audience of changes to a company, such as new deals or offers. This may not mean much to larger companies who have marketing tools like television or radio at their disposal, but for smaller companies who don’t have the budget for big campaigns – it’s perfect. It gets their message out for minimal costs and shows that they’re ‘on the pulse’ in terms of new technology and marketing techniques. A win-win situation!

At Market Avenue Ltd, we encourage businesses to utilise the opportunity graphics and social media can provide. This is why all our packages include the incorporation of graphics for social media, no matter what level of package you choose to have.

If you’ve fathomed out your social media but you’re not sure how to tackle the graphics side of your profile, we also have packages dedicated to graphics alone:

 Graphics Day – 27th April 2014

So that’s it! Remember – a picture paints a thousand words, so make sure your graphics are up to scratch! 🙂

To find out more about Graphics Day – 27th April 2014 please click here.

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