What Marketing Magic to expect in 2015
As 2014 draws to a close, there’s just one question on our minds...
As 2014 draws to a close, there’s just one question on our minds...
As you walk along the street you can see in your peripheral vision the little orange head shaped fruits staring at you through the curtains. Child sized aliens and axe murderers are running around the streets looking for sweets to consume or take home for...
The shortest correct answer we can think of to that question is yes, when products are launched there should be a sense of excitement and longing going through the minds of potential customers but when it comes to Apple and its iPhone range there just...
As a company who volunteers their time to as business advisors and as Secretary to the Stone and Stafford Young Enterprise Board we would like to cite this blog from the Chairman of the Board - http://conspicuous-cbm.com/blog/staffordstoneschoolsneedyoursupportforthisyearsyoungenterpriseprogramme.html. September sees the start of the next exciting Young Enterprise company programme...
Do you have a separate Facebook account for work and for social life? Many people don’t and this is what’s giving your employers a bit of a headache. Do you think you should be connected to your work and even to your boss through social...
A friendly “Hello” or even a bit of cheeky banter is acceptable when using social media but some people take it too far. We were reminded once again a few weeks back how a Tweet or a Facebook post can have serious repercussions. As Voula Papachristou,...
There was a time when people had the perception that you needed a top of the range camera with a couple of hundred pounds worth of lenses to take a great picture but that isn’t the case anymore. Instagram is an app that was launched in...
Why Summer is the best time of the year! Regular visits from the ice cream man. People stuck on computers so they want to engage with people to cheer up. Make good use of your air conditioning in the office. Can feel more comfortable at work in your casual...
If someone said to us 3 or 4 years ago that people would be leaving Facebook to join a social networking service that only allows you to post 140 characters at a time, we would think you were mad but the fact is, this seems...
When you hear quotes from worldwide billion pound organisations like McDonalds saying “Our head of social media is the customer” you know that Social Media has the power to make or break a company. Which path you go down all depends on how your business...
For the new cookie law, the site I found that was most useful in creating a cookie code was, http://www.civicuk.com/cookie-law/index Below are some instructions on how you can create the code and how you can import it onto your website. C = Cookie Step 1 Cookie Control uses jQuery....
I just wanted to share with you a very quick example of the power of Twitter. One day last week a colleague called me, panicking because he needed an office on a certain day for a certain time but had exhausted all avenues. He had tried...
Have you ever seen those documentaries or films, like Traffic Cops and Bad Boys, where the police go door to door asking questions to try and eliminate suspects. Well, finding target audience is similar to that as you only want clients that are going to...
Here is our poem for World Poetry Day Today it seems, is poem day, It’s a Perfect time for us to say. We do Facebook, blogs and Twitter, Nobody else can do it quicker. Linked in and four square too, No matter what we do. We do it with care and passion, Whether...
Just a quick post and thinking back to when I sat down with a pile of 'catch up' work on the day of the Royal Wedding. I intended to plough through the work with Kate and Wills on in the background but, as...
There is an absolute bundle of social media tools and applications out there, some requiring a fee to use their functionality and some offering quirky management features completely free. Many of these applications have both negative and positive attributes and there's always that little bit extra...