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What Marketing Magic to expect in 2015

As 2014 draws to a close, there’s just one question on our minds… what can we expect from 2015? And more importantly, how can we utilise and incorporate it into our marketing?

Here are just a few ideas for what marketing magic to expect in 2015…

What Marketing Magic to expect in 2015 Social Networks

1)   Content, content and more content!

Never before has the written word been more crucial in the world of marketing. 2014 saw the emergence of quality content once more, with Google favouring honest knowledge on websites over SEO trickery. That’s not to say quality content has never been done before, just that it has become a necessary requirement rather than an optional extravagance.

No more repetitive ‘phrases’ or ‘keywords’ designed to pump a page up on the Google search engine! Phew. The mantra of quality over quantity will continue to become more and more apparent in 2015, with companies expected to pay for the good stuff or risk a decline in reputation, leads and sales.

But don’t worry if you’re unsure how to find quality content, the internet is a wonderful thing. There are a huge amount of sites dedicated to sourcing news, ideas, images and more from every industry or topic imaginable.

Here are just a few we value:

2)   Because business is social…

We know, we’re pretty bias. But let’s face it, Social Media has gone from strength to strength in 2014, and that’s set to continue into the New Year and beyond. Remember the #NoMakeupSelfie trend that took off earlier in the year? What about the #IceBucketChallenge? Or #ThumbsupforStephen? All inspirational and beautiful ways in which social media has blossomed into a force of good. But before we get too mushy, let’s move onto business.

2014 also solidified the likes of Twitter and Facebook as firm media platforms in advertising. It is rare nowadays to see a television or magazine advert without a hashtag (#) or Twitter handle to go along with it. The ability to share news has increased exponentially in the last few years, with many companies taking advantage.

New and old products alike can rocket to the forefront of people’s minds with an effective marketing campaign that ties in with social media. The numbers are astounding, with Facebook reaching over 1 billion users, and Twitter over 280 million active monthly users. Recently in the news, you may have also seen that Instagram have surpassed Twitter with 300 million users.

All these numbers tell us one thing, Social Media has never been bigger, better or more instrumental in your business’ success in 2015.

3)   Hello? Can you hear me?

Or should we say ‘see me?’ We’re of course talking about mobile phones. Although they’re not really phones now are they? More like mini computers. People are more likely to try and tweet you, WhatsApp you, Email you, Facetime you, Skype you and goodness knows what else before they actually call you. Obviously, we’ve known that development of mobile phones has had an impact on marketing, but have we actually implemented it?

We have all these facts about Social Media, Emails, Videos, Adverts, and more, all being used effectively and crucially in a marketing campaign. But what we also need to consider is on what device these different elements are being viewed on. There is no doubt in our mind that phones will develop even more in 2015, whether through wearable tech (the iWatch!) or through an innovative creation of an app. Either way, there will be new aspects to consider when forming a campaign for a product or service. After all, there’s no point in creating a fancy email to send to potential leads if it can’t be viewed on a mobile phone screen – it’ll get sent straight to the spam folder.

And let’s face it, we all check our emails on our phones. Plus, with the implementation of 4G across the UK, viewing emails etc. via a mobile device has never been easier.

These are just a few things we think you should look out for, and take advantage of, in 2015. Do you agree? What else do you think should be added to the list?

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