
We all have a level of responsibility whether that is to our family, our employer, our customers or our community - and when it comes to influencing choice through marketing it is important to consider a responsible approach. Ethics and business have not always enjoyed the closet of relationships, but that is usually at the...

We get it; just when you get used to one thing, something else comes along and you have to start learning all over again. That’s just the nature of social media and keeping a brand’s online content current.   One step forward, two steps back.   You’ve probably heard...

Fake news is everywhere - not literally, but certainly rhetorically. Since the last American election, Fake News has been bandied about as both an explanation for the result, but also as a catch-all phrase to dismiss political claims and the often dubious statistics that support them. As...

I would definitely agree with that statement. A painting can trigger an emotion, a feeling, a reaction that you may not have known was even there, and it can sometimes only come to the surface when you see the painting 'in the flesh'. Many school trips...

As Pantone announce their Colour of the Year, Radiant Orchid, it led to various updates on Social Media channels giving YOU inspiration to colour your home, wardrobe and life in their chosen shade. "Radiant Orchid blooms with confidence and magical warmth that intrigues the eye and...

I can already hear the moans and groans … ‘Not another missive about bad English on the web … bla bla bla’. Well, yes it is – and there is good reason for it being here. You may have read an earlier blog entry about punctuation...

Imagine life without iPods, computers, gaming consoles and other everyday utilities that we take for granted. Have you done it? Good, now multiply that feeling by 10 and that’s how people worldwide would feel if the TV wasn’t invented back in the 1880s. It's World...

As you walk along the street you can see in your peripheral vision the little orange head shaped fruits staring at you through the curtains. Child sized aliens and axe murderers are running around the streets looking for sweets to consume or take home for...

The shortest correct answer we can think of to that question is yes, when products are launched there should be a sense of excitement and longing going through the minds of potential customers but when it comes to Apple and its iPhone range there just...

Would you welcome new business and an increase in profits? As part of a series of business growth seminars with ACL Business Solutions, Market Avenue Limited will be joining four marketing Growth Generator Experts to present, share tips and answer questions about growing your business through...

As a company who volunteers their time to as business advisors and as Secretary to the Stone and Stafford Young Enterprise Board we would like to cite this blog from the Chairman of the Board - http://conspicuous-cbm.com/blog/staffordstoneschoolsneedyoursupportforthisyearsyoungenterpriseprogramme.html. September sees the start of the next exciting Young Enterprise company programme...

Do you have a separate Facebook account for work and for social life? Many people don’t and this is what’s giving your employers a bit of a headache. Do you think you should be connected to your work and even to your boss through social...

There was a time when people had the perception that you needed a top of the range camera with a couple of hundred pounds worth of lenses to take a great picture but that isn’t the case anymore. Instagram is an app that was launched in...