30 Jan Words of the Week – Strengthening your vocabulary
Everyday here at Market Avenue Limited we like to bring to your attention a Word of the Day #WOTD!
A wide vocabulary strengthens your message and helps to form an effective copywriting strategy for marketing activities, materials and campaign call to actions.
Here’s our selection from this week.
Something taken to be true for the purpose of argument. An assumption or tentative explanation for an observation, phenomenon, or scientific problem that can be tested by further investigation.
e.g. He outlined a plausible hypothesis on what had gone wrong during the experiment.
To teach (someone) in a way that improves the mind or character, or to encourage improvement intellectually or morally.
e.g. The essay really moved me, so I made a summary of it for my own edification.
Clear and well explained. A convincing and well-argued point.
e.g. She produced a cogent and well-illustrated article for the magazine.
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