04 May Strategy: Compost Recycling
Do you compost…?
In realisation of and subsequent acknowledgement of International Compost Awareness Week here’s a quick strategy blog.
I like the trivia of awareness days, whether in Britain or international, and I think they do just that because it certainly got me thinking; in a vertical sense. It’s International Compost Awareness Week, 2nd – 8th May and it gave me the idea to write this blog.
Only 30% of us create a compost out of our unwanted food scraps and around 60% of us have never composted general household waste like paper or vacuum cleaner contents; you can count me in the later portion because I didn’t even know you could!
And these statistics paint a very similar picture to marketing in general and, in particular, social media for example, according to EConsutancy‘s latest report, only 40% of companies say they have just briefly experimented with social media and 28% do not assign any budget to social media marketing.
So how does this relate to compost?
As a low cost start to your strategy you can write a blog about the successes of your week, why they were successful and how you came to achieve them; there must be a proactive action you carried out?
In a way, this is recycling your knowledge, passing it onto others who will hopefully gain a benefit out of reading your knowledgeable tips. The same way that the soil will eventually benefit from our recycled food scraps!
This knowledge can then be replicated suitably as part of an email marketing tip, a company newsletter, a Twitter post, a networking presentation, or a quote for a press release. You see how information and achievements can be turned into useful tit-bits that don’t have to go to waste? Instead, it is being passed on and recycled through various marketing channels and put to good use.
Food for thought anyhow, excuse the pun and happy composting, whatever the material!
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