
Content Ideas; customer testimonials & more

After you’ve found your feet on social media, and the creative juices start flowing, it may seem impossible that at some point you may run out of ideas for posts.

Unfortunately, there does come a time when you’ve re-used what was once an original tweet a few times too many, and your Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin timeline is looking a bit tired and samey.

But not to worry!

Over the next few months, we’ll be posting a few content ideas that may help to freshen up your social media content.

This first batch centres around your customer and their opinions.

Customer/collaborator testimonials

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A testimonial can make a valuable piece of content

A quick testimonial from a valued client or collaborator can be a valuable source of content. In particular, short sentences that provide an insight into a business that potential clients will find appealing are ideal.

After incorporating these testimonials into graphics with your logo, you can then post them across all your social media channels to show just what your current customers love about your business. Never underestimate feedback from a customer – it can be the most valued content you have on social media.

Prompts for reviews

Similarly to testimonials, we have found it is a good idea to encourage followers on your social media channels to leave reviews. As they follow you online, it is likely they will only have good things to say.

Again, these reviews can then be extracted and used for future content. Here’s a graphic we made which we use ourselves;

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Many people source reviews about a company on platforms like Facebook

Email sign-up prompts

A fantastic way to secure more subscriptions to your email campaigns. A post including a graphic, Call to Action (CTA), and a link is an effective way to expand your potential client data. For example;

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Use social media as a data capture tool

As you have probably noticed, all of the graphics we create include our own logo. This branding lends the graphic, and consequently the post, professionalism.

Keep an eye out for our next Content Ideas Blog, and if you’d like to know more about any of the ideas discussed above or how you can implement them, give us a call on 01543 897121

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